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Ray's Chapel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Zion Church.jpg
It is a black and white photo of Ray's Chapel. In the picture you can see the steeple, a front door with a lamp over it. There are trees around it and a vehicle in the background. There are 2 windows on either side of the door and down the side thereā€¦

24 - Ray's Chapel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Zion Church Cornerstone.jpg
It is a black and white photo of Ray's Chapel AME Zion Church cornerstone. The cornerstone states,

EST 1865

Screen Shot 2017-04-23 at 7.55.56 PM.png



1998-Rebecca and Akil Houston, Ohio Univ film students.jpg
Black and white photo. 2 people (Rebecca and Akil) standing around a video camera with stands and plants behind them. Behind the camera is a pulpit and someone standing behind it.

2 - Rev. BruceEdward Oliverand Deacon Johnny Allen baptising Frankie Jones_Watermark_Thumbnail.jpg
River baptism
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