Browse Items (475 total)

25 - Deed of Trust - Argile African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Zion Church (collection of Purel Miller).jpg
This is a black and white photo of a deed of trust from Purel Miller's collection. This deed of trust is dated October 26, 1923. It is written for the amount of $50. They promise to pay Howard Smith and Julia Hyett.

24 - Ray's Chapel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Zion Church Cornerstone.jpg
It is a black and white photo of Ray's Chapel AME Zion Church cornerstone. The cornerstone states,

EST 1865

23a-Aunt Nan Ray.jpg
This is a black and white photo of Aunt Nan Ray. She is smiling and holding a gift basket. She is looking at someone not in the picture, and sitting in a recliner with a window with flower curtains in the background.

Ray's Chapel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Zion Church.jpg
It is a black and white photo of Ray's Chapel. In the picture you can see the steeple, a front door with a lamp over it. There are trees around it and a vehicle in the background. There are 2 windows on either side of the door and down the side thereā€¦

22 - Pleasant Hill African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Zion Church on National Register of Historic Places after reconstruction Collage by Ann Woodford.jpg
This is a black and white collage of the Pleasant Hill African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Zion Church with the National Register of Historical Places in the center and various photos of the church around it.

Texanna School.jpg
This is a black and white photo of the Texanna School with a group of children and their teachers outside. The photo consists of three rows of children

It is a black and white closeup of the school. The building from this angle has a door and a single window on the left. Around the corner there are four windows and a tree overhanging the building.

Pleasant Hill African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Zion Church with Quilt Trail Sign Photo by Ann Woodford.jpg
A black and white photo of a white church building from the front. The church has a Quilt Trail sign over the door and the name of the church above the door.

Mt. Zion African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Zion Church, Cullowhee, NC.jpg
It is a black and white side view of the church with the sign off to the side. The sign shows the name of the school and the times of the services.

Jones Temple African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church, Waynesville, NC by Ann Miller Woodford.jpg
It is a black and white photo of a white church with a steeple with wreaths on the doors. There are stain glass windows and a sign off to the side.
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