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APPENDIX - WNC Traditionally Black Churches.jpg
This is a black and white copy of the Appendix of Traditionally Black Churches in WNC. There are 24 traditionally black churches under 7 categories. These 7 categories are: 1)African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Zion Churches, 2) Missionary Baptist…

Ann McAdams and Lunia Williams Interview Edited.docx

Ann McAdams and Lunia Williams Interview Edited.mp4

Anne McAdams and Lunia William Interview.MP3

Andrews Colored- Negro School.jpg
It is a black and white photo of the back of the school. There are three trees on the let and a dirt road to the right.

It is a black and white closeup of the school. The building from this angle has a door and a single window on the left. Around the corner there are four windows and a tree overhanging the building.

spur line.jpg

Alma Fry Wheeler W/ White Hair Ribbon
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